* 记录热量:每周记录你所摄入的热量,你每天需要吃自己体重20倍的热量,可能现在实现起来比较困难,这就是你瘦的原因。
* 吃体重*20Kcal的食物。如果你的体重是140lbs,那么你每天需要140 x 20 = 2800kcal的热量。你需要大概两周的时间才能习惯吃那么多热量的东西,保持记录。
* 增加热量。两周后,每天增加500Kcal的热量,如果你还吃前两周那么多的热量你不会感到恶心。对于体重140lbs的人来讲,两周后的热量需要由2800Kcal增加为3300kcal。
* 记录体重。每周测量体重。如果你体重增加就还吃相同的热量。如果没有增加体重,下周的每天都需要增加500kcal的热量,在你获得满意的体重前一直照此法进行。
* 吃早餐。如果你不吃早餐你的身体就会消耗肌肉。如果想由皮包骨变身肌肉男,就需要在起床后一个小时内进餐,养成吃早餐的习惯。
* 每三个小时吃一次饭:设定每次进食的时间并严格遵守。早上7点早饭,10点早午饭、下午1点午餐、下午4点午晚餐、7点晚餐以及睡前10点的宵夜。
* 饭量的交替。如果你每天吃3000Kcal,尝试早餐、午餐和晚餐600Kcal,其他400kcal。这没有精确的科学依据,重要的是每天/每周/每月的热量,不是每顿饭的热量。
* 完全的碳水化合物。燕麦、大米、面板、面粉、土豆、甘薯、豆子等,200g纯面粉含700kcal热量。
* 牛奶。如果你不怕长肉,和全脂牛奶,否则喝脱脂牛奶。一升全脂牛奶含500kcal热量。
* 坚果。杏仁、腰果、胡桃、花生等。100克花生含500kcal,还可以尝试花生黄油。
* 健康脂肪。亚麻油、液体鱼油、橄榄油等。1tbsp.可以让你每天增加300kcal热量。
* 瘦肉:牛肉、猪肉、羊肉、鹿肉、野牛等
* 家禽:鸡肉、火鸡、鸭肉等
* 鱼肉:金枪鱼、鲑鱼、鲭鱼等
* 蛋类:吃富含维他命的蛋黄。
* 乳制品:牛奶、奶酪、松软干酪、酸奶等
* 时间:没有固定的时间,
* 早上,提前30-45分钟起床并准备好包括早餐的当天的食物,在洗澡的时候正好让冰箱的食物冷却。
* 晚上:如果早上起不来,可以在下班后准备好第二天的食物
* 工作上学:提前准备好食物并带着上班或者上学去,问问有没有微波炉加热;
* 看电影:随身携带一包花生来代替爆米花和冰激凌,这更健康,含有更高热量并省钱;
* 出门:去之前吃好,带上一包花生和蛋白饮料以防饥饿。
* 早餐:煎蛋,有葡萄干和牛奶的燕麦、牛奶燕麦花卷;
* 中午餐:夸克奶酪和苹果,花生、蛋白饮料;
* 午餐:米饭和金枪鱼,火鸡三明治,波伦亚面;
* 晚餐:米饭豆制品和肉或者鸡肉,饭后水果;
* 睡前夜宵:酸奶干酪和亚麻籽及果仁,一杯牛奶。
How to Go From Skinny to Muscular in 7 Steps (with a diet plan)
A lot of people who are skinny wish they could gain weight and a muscular physique, but don’t know where to start. And going to the gym can be intimidating when you’re a beginner.
Today we’ll look at the biggest reason people are skinny, and how to begin to build muscle, the healthy way.
If you’re skinny, you might think you eat a lot. But you probably don’t. The No. 1 reason people are skinny is because they don’t eat enough calories.
Even if you have a fast metabolism, you’ll need to eat more to gain weight. Couple that with strength training and you’ll go from skinny to muscular. Here’s how.
1. Eat More. Skinny people claim they can eat everything they want without gaining weight. The truth is, you can eat everything you want without gaining weight because you’re not eating a lot. But you can change that.
* Track Calories. Track your calorie intake for a week using FitDay. You need to eat your body-weight x 20kcal daily. You’re probably hardly getting this right now. This is why you’re skinny.
* Eat Body-weight x 20kcal. If you weigh 140 lbs., that’s 140 x 20 = 2800kcal daily. You’ll need about 2 weeks to get used to eating this amount of calories. Keep tracking calories using FitDay.
* Add Calories. After 2 weeks, add 500kcal per day. You won’t feel like throwing up if you ate the same amount of calories the previous 14 days. At 140lbs, switch from 2800kcal to 3300kcal after 2 weeks.
* Track Weight. Weigh yourself weekly. Keep eating the same amount of calories if you gain weight. If you don’t gain weight: add 500kcal per day the next week. Repeat this until you have your goal weight.
2. Eat 6x a Day. No more kicking off the day with coffee, then nothing until lunch time, then a big dinner, then some late-night snacking. Build the habit of eating 6 times a day, without forgetting in-between meals.
* Eat Breakfast. Your body will use muscles for energy if you don’t eat breakfast. You want to go from skinny to muscular. Get calories from the first hour. Build the habit of eating breakfast.
* Eat Every 3 Hours. Set times to eat and stick to them. Breakfast 7 a.m., snack 10 a.m., lunch 1 p.m., snack 4 p.m., dinner 7 p.m. and before bed snack 10 p.m.
* Alternate Meal Size. If you eat 3000kcal daily, try 600kcal for breakfast, lunch and dinner and 400kcal for snacks. This isn’t an exact science — what counts is the calories per day/week/month, not the calories per meal.
3. Eat Calorie Dense Food. Veggies are healthy but don’t work well if you want to go from skinny to muscular. 250g broccoli for example has only 100kcal. You need calorie-dense food.
* Whole Grain Carbs. Oats, rice, breads, pasta, potatoes, yams, beans, etc. 200g whole grain pasta is 700kcal.
* Milk. If you don’t fear gaining some fat, go for whole milk. Else use skimmed milk. 1 liter whole milk is 500kcal.
* Nuts. Almonds, cashews, walnuts, peanuts, etc. 100g peanuts is 500kcal. Also try peanut butter.
* Healthy Fats. Flax oil, liquid fish oil, olive oil, etc. 1 Tbsp. of each gets you 300kcal daily.
4. Build Strength. The stronger you become, the more muscles you’ll have. Get into strength training. Do exercises that hit several muscles at the same time: Pull-ups, Bench Press, Overhead Press, Deadlifts and most importantly, Squats.
Start with an empty barbell. Learn how to do the exercises first. Increase the weight progressively. If you don’t know where to start, check StrongLifts 5×5 Strength Training Program: it takes 3 sessions of 30 minutes a week.
5. Get Protein. You need protein to build muscle and to recover from workouts. Get at least 1g of protein for every pound of bodyweight each day. Sources of protein:
* Lean red meat. Beef, pork, lamb, deer, buffalo, etc.
* Poultry. Chicken, turkey, duck, etc.
* Fish. Tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, etc.
* Eggs. Eat the yolk, it’s full of vitamins.
* Dairy. Milk, cheese, cottage cheese, quark, yogurt, etc.
* Whey. Not necessary but great for easy post workout shakes.
If you weigh 140 lbs.: 1 can of tuna at lunch, 200g quark as snack, 300g meat at dinner and 500ml milk through the day will get you 140g protein.
6. Prepare Food in Advance. Nobody has time to cook 3 times a day. Preparing your food in advance is easier. When it’s time to eat, take it out of the fridge and put it for 2 minutes in the microwave. And you’re done.
* Morning. Wake up 30-45 minutes earlier and prepare your foods for the day including breakfast. Let it cool down in the fridge while having a shower.
* Evening. If you have trouble waking up early, cook your meals for the next day when coming back from work.
This isn’t as much work as it sounds. You have to make breakfast anyway, prepare your other meals in the meanwhile. Make double rations. Keep leftovers for the next day. You’ll get used to it.
7. Take Food With You. Avoid situations where you don’t have access to food for more than 3 hours. Built the habit of taking food with you.
* Work and School. Prepare food in advance and take it with you to work or school. Ask if you can microwave your food at the cafeteria.
* Movies. Take a bag of peanuts with you instead of the usual things like popcorn or ice cream. It’s healthier, calorie dense and saves you money.
* Going to Town. Eat before you leave. Take a bag of mixed nuts or a protein shake with you in case you get hungry.
Don’t care about drinking protein shakes in public. Don’t care about eating the food you prepared at work while colleagues go out eating junk food. Care about gaining muscle and being healthy, not about what people think.
The Skinny to Muscular Diet. Some inspiration to get started. Use FitDay and the bodyweight x 20kcal rule to know how much you need of each food.
* Breakfast. Scrambled eggs. Oats with raisins and milk. Granola with milk.
* Snack. Quark with apples. Peanuts. Protein shake.
* Lunch. Can of tuna with rice. Turkey sandwich. Pasta bolognese.
* Dinner. Meat or poultry with rice and legumes. Fruit as dessert.
* Before Bed Snack. Cottage cheese with flax seeds and berries. Glass of milk.
Do What it Takes. You’ll sometimes have to force yourself to finish your meals. And yes preparing your food is more work than buying food on the road. If you really want to lose your skinny look, you’ll do what it takes. Else, you don’t really want it after all.
Mehdi helps you build muscle and lose fat through strength training at StrongLifts.com. Click here to download your 52 pages FREE eBook.
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